Hotel 5* Protur Biomar Sensatori Resort, Mallorca
The new Hotel Protur Biomar Sensatori is located on a plot of considerable size, 26,000 m², near the beach of Sa Coma in the municipality of Sant Llorenç des Cardassar in Mallorca. The construction of the hotel complex is concentrated in the northern part of the plot, freeing up a Mediterranean garden, where the communal areas will be located, facing south.
Two building models are defined in the volumetry, one in the form of a plinth that recognises the limits of the plot and contains the common areas and the larger rooms (suites). And on the other hand, a circular building, recognisable from a distance, which concentrates the largest number of rooms. It is an “adults only” hotel with a reduced number of rooms (138 rooms) in relation to the large number of common areas and free space available. A strategic decision by the property that frees up more space for the user than is usual in these establishments.
The use of the right angle in the low plinth area, combined with the shape of the circular building, allows for a certain spatial fluidity and thus avoids the barrier effect of a linear building.
The decision to create a horizontal, well-structured building, with plenty of natural light, is in contrast to the decision to create a 5-storey circular volume, around which the communal spaces and the empty space of the main vestibular space revolve. This zenithally lit interior space functions as a central agora for all the activities.
The interior of the hotel uses warm materials such as wood, local stone cladding and ceramics, elements that favour the creation of a welcoming atmosphere.
The landscaping project is also extremely important for the creation of different atmospheres throughout the plot, providing privacy and shade where necessary. Mediterranean species with low water consumption are used.
The façade is made up of various materials: prefabricated white concrete, wood, plaster, textiles and vegetation. Lattices are used to create visual barriers and maintain the privacy of the interior spaces.
As for the energy consumption system, from the initial approach of the project, there is a special sensitivity to energy self-sufficiency and the fact of promoting passive systems. The hotel’s electrical energy system is connected to a photovoltaic plant that supplies 70% of the energy consumption and the air conditioning is produced by biomass boilers. Solar protection, low consumption of artificial light in all rooms and rigorous control of the water cycle, with large storage tanks, are strategies that are part of this intention of energy self-sufficiency.