First Prize in the competition for the Renewal and Extension of the Municipal Soccer Field Building of Viladecans. Project organized by Viladecans City Council.

Very grateful for the enormous diffusion of the Camp del Ferro Sports Center. The latest publications can be consulted at the following links: Divisare Archello Aasarchitecture Baunetz Gooood Diario Design Floor Nature

Report by Anatxu Zabalbeascoa at El Pais, Exigir(se) más arquitectura  

Report by Xavier Monteys at El Pais, Construcció Majúscula Xavier Monteys El Pais 19.11.20

Report by Llàtzer Moix at La Vanguardia, the reddish iceberg. Among other aspects, he tells us about the importance of the implementation strategy in the Camp del Ferro Sports Center project in Barcelona.

Second Prize in the competition for the new Kindergarden La Teixonera, in the Horta-Guinardó District, Barcelona. Project organized by Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona. Coauthors: Martí Sanz Ausàs

Les Aimerigues High School selected work at the 8ª Vallès Catalan Architecture Exhibition, 2019.   To see the project click here.   To see the report of the results of the Catalan Architecture Exhibition click here.

First Prize in the competition for the La Sagrera Sports Center, Barcelona. Project organized by BIMSA. Coauthors: AIA Activitats Arquitectòniques.
