New Town Center in Valldoreix, First Prize. Published in Arquitectura Viva
First Prize on the competition held by EMD Valldoreix Coauthors: Alegre-Lloveras Arquitectes To see the proposal click here. To the the Arquitectura Viva article click here.
48 dwellings in Torrelles de Llobregat, Selected at Premio Europeo di Architettura Ugo Rivolta 2013
The project for the 48 dwellings in Torrelles de Llobregat, has been selected on the 2nd Stage in the 2013 edition of the Premio Europeo di Architettura Ugo Rivolta 2013, at Milan 14th November 2013 For further information please visit the Awards’ website at the following link. To see the jury report click here. To see the project click here.
Spanish Pavilion Expo 2015 Milano. Honourable Mention
Coauthors: LaGranja Design The proposal for the Spanish Pavilion of the Expo 2015 Milano, has been awarded an Honourable Mention in the open competition organized by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) -public agency responsible on managing the Spanish presence in the Universal and International Exhibitions- to choose the integral design of the Spanish Pavilion for the Expo Milan 2015 To see…
Lecture, Taller de Proyectos. Universidad San Jorge, Zaragoza
Lecture: “Cinco Patios” Wednesday 15th January 2014, 13:00h Aula Magna, Edificio de Rectorado de la USJ Campus Universitario Villanueva de Gállego Autovía A23 Zaragoza-Huesca km. 510 Universidad San Jorge, Saragossa
El Periódico – Santi Vila Article. CEIP Sant Roc, Olot
Article by Santi Vila, Conseller de Territori, at El Periódico. 07.10.2013 To read the article click here. To see the project click here.
Temas de Arquitectura – Arquitectura Escolar 7
The Project for Molí d’en Xema School and Nursery Son Boga at Manacor, published at Temas de Arquitectura, Arquitectura Escolar 7 More info at TC Cuadernos. Click here to see the project.
FAD 2011: Selected Work
The Cap Vermell Cultural Center in Cala Ratjada, has been selected for the FAD Awards 2011 You’ll find more information about the FAD Awards 2011 on the following link: Arquinfad
Cap Vermell Cultural Center published in Tectónica Blog
The project for the Cap Vermell Cultural Center of Cala Ratjada is published in the Tectonica magazine blog To read the whole article, click below: Tectónica Blog