Bàrbara Balanzó Moral
1971 Barcelona
1997 Bachelor of Architecture. Superior Technical School of Architecture, Barcelona
1997 Shares professional studio with the architect Antoni Barceló Baeza
Courses and seminars
1999 Post-graduate Diploma: ‘The maintenance, repair and diagnosis of housing blocks’. The Josep Lluís Sert. Curs Professsional School, directed by César Diaz.
2000 Educational Architecture Workshop.The Josep Lluís Sert. Curs Professsional School
2001 ‘Rehabilitation of buildings: criteria for constructive intervention’.Conferences
- Processes with Industry. Donostia. Arkitektura Goi Eskola Teknikoa. December 2022
- Great Architecture Forum. Opinions and voices of 19 Spanish women architects. Groupo Vía. April 2009
Architecture Competitions Jury
- Member of the Jury for the Master and Degree Final Project Award of the Hispalyt Ceramic Forum 2020-2021 course.
- Member of the Jury for 3 Competitions: Socio-cultural equipment in Gènova / Rearrangement of the Bisbe Planas i envoltats square, in Sant Jordi / Rearrangement of the square des Nins, in s’Arenal in Palma de Mallorca. 2018
- Member of the Jury of the Comarques de Girona Architecture Awards 2014.